Telephone, Round 4

A zine documenting Round 3 of the Telephone project, where 16 artists "translate" images, passing down the line like the children's game of Telephone.
20 pages. 4.5" x 6" square. June 21–22, 2019.
It's your turn! Using the attached photo as your source and the “language” of the world around you as your form of expression, translate this photo using the camera built into your phone. Like in the game of Telephone, you can be as literal or as creative as you like. You can decide to be sincere or cheeky, clever or meticulous, cooperative or contrary.
Andrew Shaw, Carol Beaver, Shannon Petty, Jim Jacobs, Coleman Andersen, Jacob Erickson, Josh Scheuerman, Marcelo Alvarado, Emily Park, Emily Snow, Shaylee Syme, Spencer Turner, Jared Steffensen, Claire Taylor, Austin Wright, Marcus Bentley
This special "flash" round of cellphone photography translations was conducted as part of the "Telephone" exhibition at Commonwealth Studios on June 21, 2019. Each participant was given 10-30 minutes to create and send their "translation." All photos were taken June 21 or 22, 2019, in Salt Lake City.