Social Distancing

The global response to COVID-19 has led to countless postponed festivals, cancelled gatherings, suspended schools, and shuttered businesses in an effort to prevent rapid spread of the novel coronavirus. The publication “Social Distancing” takes its name from this concept. In this moment of rapidly shifting information, rampant misinformation, community panic, global concern, and a call for a massive response to a microscopic contagion, our communities of artists and writers are poised to capture and interpret present-day experiences for future audiences.
This publication was compiled from a call for submissions of art, poetry, and short-short fiction and essays for inclusion in an international community publication unique to this time of unparalleled social distancing. All ideas and experiences are welcome — serious, personal, social, collaborative, humorous, sarcastic, confessional, and experimental.
Vondra Abbott, Denver, CO
Brad Anderson, Lincoln, NE
Tavaris Brooks, Charleston, SC
Gheybin Comish, SLC, UT
Chris Dunsmore, Santa Barbara, CA
Dale Enggass, SLC, UT
Indira Fernando, New Zealand
Colby Frazier, SLC, UT
Ceridwen Hall, SLC, UT
Amber Heaton, Brooklyn, NY
Monica Ellee Henrie, SLC, UT
Kate Ithurralde, SLC, UT
Isobel Maxwell, Gloucestershire, UK
Paula Mendoza, SLC, UT
Chloe Monson, SLC, UT
Cian Morey, Cork, Ireland
Sarah Morton Taggart, SLC, UT
Angie Ouellette, Solvang, CA
Nora Price, SLC, UT
Brent Rowland, SLC, UT
Bryton Sampson, SLC, UT
Heather Schulte, Boulder, CO
Victoria Smits, Eugene, OR
Emily Snow, SLC, UT
Kylie Terra, Salem, MA
Amber Carr Wallace, Durham, NC
Christine Webb, Denver, CO
Adam Wynn, Birmingham, UK
Simon Zivny, SLC, UT
Editor, Andrew Rease Shaw, SLC, UT
Published 2020